Thursday 1 September 2011

Mon premier semaine en France

Well it actually happened! I am officially living in France! It happened so fast that I am not even sure that I have realized myself that I am here. My trip began with the amazing opportunity to meet up with Selena who, as many of you probably know, is one of my best friends from university. We met in French class ironically and share a love of Paris and even more, a love of travelling. I backpacked with her across New Zealand and up the East coast of Australia last summer (Summer 2010), which I cannot believe was already over a year ago. Anyways, we had a lovely visit and caught up on a lot, despite it only being one night. We went to see the Eiffel Tower two times- once when it was flashing (which I love and is absolutely gorgeous).

In the morning my "host mother", who I will from now on call Dom, came to pick me up with her daugther Claire. They were immediately very nice and very patient with my level of French. For the last two days I have been speaking only French (except with the Grandma, who Dom had come to be able to explain specific details that are important I understand 100%). I already feel like I am beginning to understand conversations easier, so I can't even imagine what it will be like after the year has passed. We spent the majority of the last few days discussing what is expected of me and how the daily lives of the kids (Claire- 13 et Louis - 8) pass. Basically I am responsible for getting breakfast for Louis at 7:30 and then walking him to school for 8:20. After that, on lundi (Monday) et jeudi (Thursday) et vendredi (Friday), I take the train and metro into Paris for my classes in French. On Tuesdays I have the day off, but I take Louis from school for lunch. Here they have 2 hour lunches! I couldn't believe it when I heard it; I asked twice to make sure I heard right. They don't even take bagged lunches, so everyday they eat at school they have to buy lunch. Also Monday-Friday I get Louis at 16:30 from school and make sure he does his homework, practises piano, and eats dinner. At 19:30 I am free to do my own thing every night, and I also have Saturdays and Sundays free unless I am asked in advance to babysit.

I already have plans this Saturday to hopefully go hiking with my friend, whom Selena and I met when we backpacked New Zealand. He lives in Melun, which I am told is only about an hour by train from Marly. I haven't have time to take many pictures because I have been busy, but here is a sneak peak of my new "chambre à coucher". It's quite nice because it is like a little loft; I take a set of stairs to get to it!

A bientot!


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